Before COVID a family would collect the Medical Cause of Death Certificate from the hospital or Doctors surgery, ring and make an appointment at the registrars and attend in person to register the death. Since COVID the Medical Cause of Death Certificate will be issued by the doctor, then emailed to the registrar. The surgery "should" contact you once this has been done. You would then ring the registrar and arrange an appointment and then go in person to give the relevant information.
If someone has died in Gloucestershire
opening Hours 8.30am - 4.30pm
Tel 01452 425060
If someone has died in the Swindon area e.g. The Great Western Hospital
opening hours 9.00am - 4.00pm
Tel 01793 522738
If someone has died in Wiltshire but NOT the Swindon area
opening Hours 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tel 0300 003 4570
If someone has died in Oxfordshire
opening Hours 9:00am - 4.30pm
Tel 0345 241 2489
If someone has died in the Bristol area
opening Hours 9.00am - 4.00pm
Tel 0117 922 2800
All information is given to the best of your knowledge.
Please be aware that if a mistake is made in the death entry there will be a fee to pay to have the information corrected.
After the information has been recorded in the death register, the necessary forms and certificates will be issued:
Tell Us Once means that you can tell a number of central and local government departments about a death.
If you choose to use the service, the registrar will send you a unique code to take up the service online or by telephone after the registration appointment (if you are not the next of kin, you can still use the service if you have the permission of the next of kin to act on their behalf).
To make sure the right information is given to the organisations you contact, it would help if you can have ready the following information about the person who has died: